Chamada para Submissões - Dossiê “Ideologias e projetos políticos no Brasil republicano”


The political history of the Republic is, even today, one of the most dynamic fields of research in Brazilian historiography. Although the positivist dogma of the temporal distancing between historian and object has, for a long time, prohibited the study of recent experiences (FERREIRA, 2018), from the 1970s onwards, a combination of factors emerged that boosted academic production on the national history of the 20th century. At first, still under the predominance of analyzes originating from Political Science, there was a broad effort to explain the performance of political parties, intellectuals and the particularities of the main ideologies in vogue in the country, especially between the 1930s and 1960s. important reflections on communists, liberals, anarchists, integralists, labor, ideologues and authoritarian regimes appeared, helping to understand the longevity of authoritarianism and the paths of citizenship (MEDEIROS, 1978; BENEVIDES, 1981; CHILCOTE, 1982; GOMES, 2019 ). Then, from the 1990s, with the renewal of political history and the crisis of totalizing paradigms in the Humanities area, especially Marxism and structuralism, Brazilian historiography began to emphasize individual trajectories (AARÃO REIS, 2014) , the symbolic and cultural dimension present in power relations (MOTTA, 2000; SOTANA, 2019), as well as aspects related to political concepts and discourses (ZAMPA, 2018; FERREIRA, 2023). In this way, the range of themes was expanded, highlighting a growing interdisciplinary dialogue, the development of specific methodologies to deal with oral sources and the maturation of discussions regarding the relationship between history and memory, all of this in convergence with social demands. explanation of the present time (FERREIRA, 2018). Based on these questions, the objective of this Dossier is to promote discussions about ideologies and political projects in Republican Brazil, including analyzes about groups, associations, intellectuals, periodicals, parties, among other characters, and their relationship with power. We welcome articles that deal with expressions of socialism, liberalism, integralism, communism, fascism, laborism, Catholicism, among other current ideologies in Brazilian republican history, incorporating empirical and/or conceptual analyzes developed in the short, medium or long term. In summary, the intention is to create a space for open and plural dialogue in which researchers and professors can share their research, theoretical-methodological perspectives and/or experiences in archives.



AARÃO REIS, Daniel. Luís Carlos Prestes: um revolucionário entre dois mundos. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2014.

BENEVIDES, Maria Victoria de Mesquita. A UDN e o udenismo: ambiguidades do liberalismo brasileiro (1945-1965). Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1981.

CHILCOTE, Ronald H. O Partido Comunista Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Graal, 1982.

FERREIRA, Fabrício. Liberalismo e democracia em Carlos Lacerda (1950-1955). Revista Ágora, Vitória, v. 34, n. 2, p. 1-20, 2023.

FERREIRA, Marieta de Moraes. Notas iniciais sobre a história do tempo presente e a historiografia no Brasil. Tempo e Argumento, Florianópolis, v. 10, n. 23, p. 80 ‐ 108, jan./mar. 2018.

GOMES, Angela Maria de Castro. A invenção do trabalhismo. 8 reimpr. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2019 [1988].

MEDEIROS, Jarbas. Ideologia autoritária no Brasil, 1930-1945. Rio de Janeiro: ed. Fundação Getulio Vargas, 1978.

MOTTA, Rodrigo Patto Sá. Em guarda contra o "perigo vermelho": o anticomunismo no Brasil (1917-1964). 2000. Tese (Doutorado em História) – Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2000.

SOTANA, E. C. João Goulart nas páginas d´O Estado de Mato Grosso (1961-1964). Tempo e Argumento, Florianópolis, v. 11, n. 26, p. 402-430, 2019.

ZAMPA, Vivian. Efemérides e discursos políticos nos Boletins da Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro (1964-1969). Intellèctus, Rio de Janeiro, v. 17, n. 2, p. 157-173, 2018.