About the Journal


Patrimônio e Memória (Heritage and Memory) is a multidisciplinary academic electronic journal of the Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", published biannually by the Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa (Cedap).

Since its inception in 2005, it has been structured with the aim of reflecting on issues relating to the dimensions of cultural and scientific heritage, in its various forms, based on original and unpublished research. In keeping with its profile as a scientific journal, it publishes texts in Portuguese and in foreign languages (English, French, Spanish and Italian), and has an internal and external Editorial and Advisory Board, as well as ad hoc guests, who provide it with intellectual support and guarantee the quality of the texts published. Therefore, Patrimônio e Memória, in addition to shaping the identity of the Center itself, presents itself as a vehicle for dialogue with other institutions in the field.

As a result of the journal's positive evaluations, both internal to Unesp and external, such as the one carried out by CNPq, Patrimônio e Memória was classified as A3 in the latest Qualis (2017-2020).

Patrimônio e Memória publishes original multidisciplinary scientific articles, focusing on themes related to the fields of History and Letters (Literature and Linguistics), notably in their aspects of cultural heritage, in different forms and modalities, resulting from academic research. Collaborations are also accepted in the fields of Arts, Architecture and Urbanism, Social Sciences and Education, when possible related to the cultural aspects of heritage and memory.

The journal Patrimônio e Memória publishes contributions of articles in dossiers, continuous flow articles and reviews. The dossiers are a space dedicated to delving into specific themes on a given subject. Continuous flow articles deal with a variety of themes, respecting the scope and areas covered by the journal. The reviews focus on theoretical and methodological discussions of books published in the fields of History and Letters (Literature and Linguistics). Its readership is mainly made up of university students from the fields of History and Humanities in general.

Patrimônio e Memória publishes texts in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Italian; those written in a foreign language must include a title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English - respecting the same requirements as articles in Portuguese.

Patrimônio e Memória adopts the CC-BY license as its main Open Access attribution. Authors do not pay any fees for submitting articles or evaluating them.

We do not pay for contributions, whose copyright is necessarily assigned to Patrimônio e Memória. Authors do not pay any fees for submitting articles or evaluating them.

Patrimônio e Memória annually publishes single articles, articles in dossiers selected through a call for proposals, interviews, critical comments on sources or documents and reviews. The dossiers are organized by specialist researchers in the field, selected by the Editorial Board, and comprise articles of excellence and that are a reference in the area.


The journal's editorial policy

The original manuscripts received must initially meet the criteria set out in the section below, Form and Preparation of Manuscripts. Once these criteria have been met, the originals will be analyzed by the Editor-in-Chief and forwarded to ad hoc reviewers in accordance with the double-blind peer review system.

The Editor-in-Chief will decide on the suitability of each manuscript submitted, on whether or not to begin the editorial process, and on final acceptance. Manuscripts of articles and reviews submitted to the journal will be sent to at least two anonymous referees.

Contributions will only be accepted from authors with a minimum doctorate degree, in the form of articles, critical comments on sources and documents and interviews, except in the case of reviews, whose authors may have a doctorate in progress.

Submission of a manuscript to the Journal implies that it is original and has not been published before and that it is not being considered for another publication. Manuscripts derived from unpublished dissertations and theses are accepted, but rewriting is expected so that the text is not considered to be self-plagiarized.

Each author can only have one article in process between the start of submission and final publication. There will also be a two-year interval between publication and the start of a new submission process.

The journal does not charge any kind of publication fee.


Open Access Policy

The Journal follows the guidelines of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct and Good Practices (https://publicationethics.org/) and submissions must comply with these guidelines.

Research data management is one of the key practices of open science. In this sense, the Journal accepts manuscripts that have been previously deposited on a non-commercial preprint server, provided that they have not been simultaneously submitted for peer review in another journal. The author responsible must state whether the manuscript has been deposited on a preprint server and must provide the corresponding DOI. Patrimônio e Memória asks authors to pay attention to the citations and referencing of all data and any other type of material used in the research. The journal encourages authors to deposit research data in repositories, share and make their data open.


Copyright Policy

By submitting an article to Patrimônio e Memória, the author allows the right to publish approved and published articles to be automatically transferred to the journal, allowing the article to be published in this journal and also shared with acknowledgement of its authorship, in accordance with the Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) which states the following: this is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is duly cited.

The contents of the articles and reviews published in Patrimônio e Memória are the absolute and exclusive responsibility of their authors.


Criteria for submitting manuscripts

The authors are entirely responsible for the data and concepts contained in the papers, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographical references. Authors are also responsible for the correct spelling, use of language and translation into English (or another foreign language) of the abstract, title and keywords.

Originals must conceal the name of the proposer and the institution of origin, and we ask that any evidence of this information, as well as personal thanks and self-references, be excluded. If the article is accepted, the author will have the opportunity to include this information.

Postgraduate students are accepted as co-authors. At least one of the authors must be a doctor. Funding agency and funding number can be identified in a footnote.

The manuscript must contain: title (in Portuguese and English and in the language in which it was written); abstract (in Portuguese and English and in the language in which it was written); keywords (in Portuguese and English and in the language in which it was written); references (at the end of the text); and notes (if any) after the references.

If there are acknowledgments and an indication of funding sources, they should come at the end of the article, before the bibliographical references.

Articles should not exceed 10,000 words. Notes should be placed after the references and should only be explanatory, limited to the information that is essential for understanding the text.

Reviews (between 1,500 and 3,000 words) must present works published in Portuguese in the last two years, or in a foreign language in the last three years, in the field of History. They must have their own title in Portuguese and English, and present publishing data, the author's background and their relationship with the work reviewed, objectives and methodology, main arguments and conclusions. They must critically analyze the work, its impact on historiography and its place in the debates on the subject. Reviews that only present a summary of the work will not be accepted. Any citations of the work reviewed must reference the exact page, while other citations must follow the author-date system (NBR 10520/2023). Reviews must be accompanied by a summary/abstract and three keywords in Portuguese and English. The bibliography used must be referenced at the end of the text. Authors of reviews should pay attention to situations that could be characterized as a "conflict of interest".

Manuscripts must be submitted to the journal exclusively via online submission: When sending the manuscript, the author(s) must provide their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) identifier.

Manuscripts that do not meet the criteria for submission to the journal will be immediately returned for adjustment.

Contact e-mail: patrimonioememoria@gmail.com