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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The authors are entirely responsible for the data and concepts contained in their work, as well as the accuracy of the bibliographical references. Authors are also responsible for the correct spelling, use of language and translation into English (or another foreign language) of the abstract, title and keywords.

Originals must conceal the name of the proposer and the institution of origin, and we ask that any evidence of this information, as well as personal thanks and self-references, be excluded. If the article is accepted, the author will have the opportunity to include this information.

Postgraduate students are accepted as co-authors. At least one of the authors must be a doctor. Funding agency and funding number can be identified in a footnote.

The manuscript must contain: title (in Portuguese and English and in the language in which it was written); abstract (in Portuguese and English and in the language in which it was written); keywords (in Portuguese and English and in the language in which it was written); references (at the end of the text); and notes (if any) after the references.

If there are acknowledgments and an indication of funding sources, they should come at the end of the article, before the bibliographical references.

Articles should not exceed 10,000 words. Notes should be placed after the references and should only be explanatory, limited to the information that is essential for understanding the text. Articles must be accompanied by a summary/abstract and three keywords in Portuguese and English. Citations must follow the author-date system in accordance with the current ABNT standard (NBR 10520/2023). References should only include the texts cited in the manuscript and follow the standard specified in the current ABNT standard (NBR 6023/2018). Figures (images, illustrations, graphs, maps and drawings) and tables (or charts) must be submitted in separate files from the text, in high resolution, JPG or TIF format, 300 dpi. Tables and charts should be in Word, and graphs and spreadsheets in Excel, with titles and sources indicated. All tables and charts must be numbered and captioned, with the source and access indicated in the caption. All figures must be captioned and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, beginning with the word Figure. Proposers must submit permission to use each figure or indicate whether they are in the Public Domain.

The reviews (between 1,500 and 3,000 words) must present works published in Portuguese in the last two years, or in a foreign language in the last three years, in the field of History. They must have their own title in Portuguese and English, and present publishing data, the author's background and their relationship with the work reviewed, objectives and methodology, main arguments and conclusions. They must critically analyze the work, its impact on historiography and its place in the debates on the subject. Reviews that only present a summary of the work will not be accepted. Any citations of the work reviewed must reference the exact page, while other citations must follow the author-date system (NBR 10520/2023). Reviews must be accompanied by a summary/abstract and three keywords in Portuguese and English. The bibliography used must be referenced at the end of the text. Authors of reviews should be aware of situations that could be characterized as a "conflict of interest".

Artigos Livres

Os artigos devem ter, no máximo, 10.000 palavras. As notas devem ser colocadas após as referências, e apenas explicativas, reduzidas às informações essenciais para a compreensão do texto. Os artigos devem ser acompanhados pelo resumo/abstract e três palavras-chave em português e inglês. As citações seguem obrigatoriamente o sistema autor-data conforme a norma ABNT vigente (NBR 10520/2023).  Nas referências devem constar apenas os textos citados no manuscrito e seguir o padrão especificados conforme a norma ABNT vigente (NBR 6023/2018). As figuras (imagens, ilustrações, gráficos, mapas e desenhos) e tabelas (ou quadros) devem ser submetidas em arquivos separados do texto, em alta resolução, formato JPG ou TIF, 300 dpi. Tabelas e quadros devem vir em Word, e gráficos e planilhas em Excel, com indicação de títulos e fontes. Todas as tabelas e quadros devem ser numeradas e legendadas, com indicação da fonte e acesso na legenda. Todas as figuras devem colocar legenda, numerar consecutivamente em algarismos arábicos e iniciados pelo termo Figura. Os(as) proponentes devem apresentar permissão para uso de cada uma das figuras ou indicar se gozam da condição de Domínio Público.



As resenhas (entre 1.500 e 3.000 palavras) devem apresentar obras publicadas em português nos últimos dois anos, ou em língua estrangeira nos últimos três anos, na área de História. Devem conter título próprio em português e inglês, e apresentar dados editorais, formação do(a) autor(a) e sua relação com a obra resenhada, objetivos e metodologia, principais argumentos e conclusões. Devem analisar criticamente a obra, seus impactos na historiografia e sua inserção nos debates sobre o tema tratado. Não serão aceitas resenhas que apenas apresentem um resumo da obra. As eventuais citações da obra resenhada devem referenciar a página exata, enquanto outras citações seguem obrigatoriamente o sistema autor-data (NBR 10520/2023). As resenhas devem ser acompanhadas pelo resumo/abstract e três palavras-chave em português e inglês. A bibliografia utilizada deve ser referenciada no final do texto. Autores de resenhas devem atentar para situações que possam ser caracterizadas como "conflito de interesses".

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.