From Padrinho to Juremeiro:

brief historical route of Jurema Sagrada in Caruaru



Anthropology, Jurema Sagrada, Caruaru, Afro Brazilian religions


The present research is a fragment of the Completion of Course in Social Sciences Treatise presented by me (SILVA, 2023). In this article, I sought to synthesize the history of the jurema de Caruaru terreiros, for which I made use of the arguments presented by my interlocutors in conversations and interviews carried out between the years 2017 and 2022, together with the Grupo de Estudos Memória, Identidade e Cultura (GEMIC). Here I present an outline of the memoirs of the godfathers, godmothers, fathers and mothers of the saint of Caruaru about the process of formation and institutionalization of jurema. I propose, therefore, to present a brief synthesis of the processes of institutionalization of the Afro Brazilian religions in the city, and how issues such as violence, geographic isolation and academic/cultural investment have changed the religious scenario of the city.

Author Biography

Hugo Weslley Oliveira Silva, Paulista State University UNESP

Hugo Weslley Oliveira Silva is a PhD in Anthropology, Master in Communication and Bachelor of Social Sciences from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Specialist in Semiotics of Communication by the University Center Faveni (UNIFAVENI). Bachelor in Journalism from the University Center Favip Wuden (UNIFAVIP). IBPG scholarship by the Foundation for Science and Technology of Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Silva, H. W. (2023). From Padrinho to Juremeiro:: brief historical route of Jurema Sagrada in Caruaru. Patrimônio E Memória, 19(1), 65–82. Retrieved from