A imprensa escrita e a espacialidade das trocas amorosas femininas em Desterro / Florianópolis (1850-1930)
Urban memory, Everyday life, Love relationships, Female territoriality, RepresentativenessAbstract
The sexed feature of space is, sometimes, neglected in the reading of the evolution of the urban panorama, resulting in fabricated consensus that cooperate to the homogenization of the representational contente of our cities. As a reaction to that, this
paper, by exploring the relationship between women and cities, discusses the way elite ladies, through their romantic relationships, made themselves present in the urban scenery. Therefore, we study the city of Desterro / Florianópolis, from 1850 to 1930, based on
newspaper news. These passages, collected through consultation of 20959 newspaper issues, revealed love relationships involving these women containing their adresses, which were spacialized in the urban space. As a result, we discuss places with bigger or smaller effervescence of these romantic exchanges, correlating them with the material and imaterial form of the urban scenery of the time. With that, we intend to point out the position of these women as interveners in the urban dynamics, broadening the representativeness of the local urban history.
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