Towards a green preservacionist practice for modern architecture
Modern Architecture, Preservation, Heritage, Green Architecture, SustainabilityAbstract
Overcoming the cliché of “green architecture” through reflecting on the relationship between ecology and architecture is a challenge that this paper accepts by proposing to (re)consider it based on interventions in cultural heritage. The present paper
defends the idea that the act of designing as an intervention in cultural heritage, especially in architecture and urbanism from the Modern Movement, presents challenges and particularities contained within the relationship that exists between ecology and
architecture. The text proposes to clarify certain issues related to the practice of green preservation in order to broaden them. For this, the paper establishes relationships between heritage and ecology; observes the latest building stock as elephants in the room and discusses particularities and challenges which define the many tones that the green preservationist practice could and must undertake.
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