Collective memory and historical value in street furniture
Design, Urban furniture, Historical value, Collectuve memory, Public spacesAbstract
The research of urban furniture in squares, aimed at requalification projects, involves aspects intrinsic to the elements of furniture, but it must also take care of the relations of the furniture object with the place and with the community to which it belongs.
This work aims to make an analysis, from concepts of historical value and collective memory of urban furniture, of city squares of German and Italian immigrant origin in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The research was based on EBS, or Environment-Behavior Studies, observing in loco and in files the criteria of: relevance, relevance, legibility, interference and identification. With this information, the research and cadastral bases were built, which provided the subsidies for the analyzes related to the concepts studied in the furniture of the squares. As a result, we verified that, in the studied examples, there are aspects that go beyond the historical value in the preservation of urban furniture, such as the value of collective memory and the actions of appropriation of the population.
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