The valuation of cultural assets under the perspective of conservation
Cultural asset, Values, Significance, Theory of conservationAbstract
The presente article aims to problematize the comprehension of patriomonial asset, since its constitution as object and relation with the subjects, in order to demonstratethe association between the identification and the process of formation of value and meaning of the assets, given the importance of the valuation in the conduction of the conservative action. This writing starts with the notion of cultural asset as an object, in its material condition, in a certain referential context, which gives birth to actions of identification and grounding to valuation actions – both of them look for composing the tangible and untangible dimensions of the asset, above all else to its patrimonialization. The consonance between these knowledges is believed to provide more fruitful grounds to the interventional projective proceedings over these assets. This way, the conservation must be approached not only as a technological problem, but also and mostly as a cultural one, supported by the theory of values and by the intersubjectivity.
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