Natural heritage in the context of integrated conservation
Natural Heritage, Nature, Nature Values, Nature COnservation, Conservation ManagementAbstract
With the standpoint of contributing with the heritage conservation process, the present text brings the discussion about the nature values in the context of integrated conservation approach for natural and cultural heritage. The discussion opens up with an understanding of nature and its assigned values, arguing about the dimension in which these values are expressed. It investigates the materiality that composes nature, represented by its biological, geophysical and ecosystem processes; the immateriality of intangible values, or existence or intrinsic value of nature; and the relevance of sociocultural values, those associated with nature as support from human processes and their interrelations. The conceptual scope raised is observed in the heritage context from which it can be concluded that the focused theoretical-conceptual framework can base the construction of methodological and operational structures for the development of tools for the conservation management of natural assets in their multiplicity of values.
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