Brazilian gardens in historical perspective

Notes on the origins, functions, and design of Recife’s squares



Gardens, Lanscape architecture, History, Nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Brazil


This text investigates Brazilian public gardens, considering their origins, functions, and design in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In particular, it examines the garden squares built in the city of Recife, taking into account their relationship with pre-existing urban spaces and surrounding buildings, as well as the role of vegetation, walkways, water features, sculptures, and other ornaments and equipment. Thus, the text is divided into four parts. First, it presents the context of the development of public gardens in Brazilian cities, which included promenades, squares, and parks. Second, it discusses the origins of the concept of “squares” and its dissemination abroad. Third, it analyzes Recife’s garden squares drawing analogies between them and their European counterparts. In conclusion, it is our intention to cast light on Brazil’s garden culture, as well as on the importance of preserving public gardens today, due to their historic, cultural, social, and ecological significance, especially considering the high level of urbanization of post-industrial cities.

Author Biography

Aline de Figueirôa Silva, Paulista State University UNESP

Architect and urbanist with a Master’s degree in Urban Development, PhD in Architecture and Urbanism in the area of Landscape and Environment. Professor at the School of Architecture of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and Collaborator Researcher at the Landscape Laboratory of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Rua Caetano Moura, 121, Federação, 40210-905, Salvador-BA, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Figueirôa Silva, A. (2018). Brazilian gardens in historical perspective: Notes on the origins, functions, and design of Recife’s squares. Patrimônio E Memória, 14(1), 111–125. Retrieved from